Our Values
Epsilon FEA was formed in 2008 in Minneapolis, Minnesota to provide a new class of Engineering Service utilizing the Finite Element method and related CAE tools.
Recognizing this niche CAE tool requires large investment for companies competing in a technically challenging environment, Epsilon focuses on three cumulative characteristics of our services:
Exhibit Excellence with the FEA Tools
With today’s FE software, obtaining accurate results while minimizing time and cost is often exponentially related to skills and experience, proficiency with the tools is the cornerstone of Epsilon FEA.
Infuse FE Technology into the Customer Design System
With our commitment to continuous learning of the constantly changing toolsets, we cultivate cost-effective long term engineering partnerships because we deliver not just an analysis, but a methodology and set of recommendations to further propel the customer’s Simulation investment and know-how. Your success today propels our own success in the future.
Communicate Thoroughly and Clearly
With great transparency to maximize the benefit of our services and embody our commitment to quality, we prize excellence in oral, written, and interpersonal communication. By offering candid exposure to technical as well as program management related details of our services we strive to be a trusted and fully integrated member of the customer team.
Our Tools
We utilize ANSYS tools both of Workbench as well as classic APDL (ANSYS Parametric Design Language) along with a multitude of supporting engineering and business software.
Using up-to-date licensing and compute solvers we leave your costly internal resources intact, while leveraging our familiarity and expertise with our own in-house toolset that has been customized and augmented for over a decade and a half.
Pairing these long term investments with analysts (consultants) that perform FEA as their career focus results in a low total project cost thereby making Epsilon FEA a strategic partner for your next engineering challenge.
Principal Analyst, Consultant, and founder of Epsilon FEA, LLC: Rod A. A. Scholl

Our People
As an engineering service firm our skills and experience are under constant review by those with high expectations. To be successful in this climate our analysts and associates possess not only excellence in their area of service, but also balance the confidence to pursue breakthroughs in design and FEA processes with the critically important judgment to recognize when additional expertise is required or cost-effective. To do this well takes personal integrity as well as a great commitment to our customer’s satisfaction by which we can, when necessary, look past our individual ambitions and strive to embrace the greater good.