June 20th 2018 User Meeting
Epsilon FEA is hosting another user meeting! The topic is Nonlinear Adaptivity and Mesh Morphing; it will be held June 20th, 2018 at the Bryant-Lake Bowl in Minneapolis. Click here [...]
Epsilon FEA is hosting another user meeting! The topic is Nonlinear Adaptivity and Mesh Morphing; it will be held June 20th, 2018 at the Bryant-Lake Bowl in Minneapolis. Click here [...]
Santa’s elves are always designing new toys in the workshop, but we can ensure they survive the drop down the chimney before they ever raise their tiny mallets. If visions [...]
[vc_row][vc_column width="1/4"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_media_grid style="all" items_per_page="10" element_width="6" gap="5" button_style="rounded" button_color="blue" button_size="md" arrows_design="none" arrows_position="inside" arrows_color="blue" paging_design="radio_dots" paging_color="grey" loop="" autoplay="-1" item="mediaGrid_Default" grid_id="vc_gid:1485812836502-ec870fe5-1f1a-9" include="458,457,459,460"][vc_column_text] Thank you to everyone who attended our most recent user [...]
Epsilon FEA is hosting another user meeting! The topic is Hardware for FEA/CFD; it will be held June 29th, 2016 at the Bryant-Lake Bowl in Minneapolis. Click here for more information, [...]
At Epsilon FEA, we know how to trim a tree... and trim a budget! If you have accurate, efficient analysis on your wishlist, contact us and we can deliver. No milk [...]
Thank you to everyone who attended our most recent user meeting! We presented Choosing Your ANSYS Geometry Tool: Design Modeler vs. Spaceclaim. Click here for a PDF version of the presentation, and here [...]
Epsilon FEA is hosting another user meeting! The topic is Choosing Your ANSYS Geometry Tool: Design Modeler vs. Spaceclaim; it will be held November 18th, 2015 at the Bryant-Lake Bowl in Minneapolis. [...]
Check out our May 2015 user meeting on the ANSYS Workbench v16 update here!